"Okay Time To Be A Mom" | Raising Businesses and Babies
Updated: Jul 14, 2023
BE PRESENT and HANG ON! smallbusinessmom #target #parenting
Being a Parent and being a Small Business Owner is not for the weak. Today was one of those days. I wanted so desperately to ask my husband to run our 11 year old around today. She was going to her Godsister's party and needed an outfit, a present and the items for her color basket. A party she almost missed because money is tight this month but her Godmom (love you sis) wasn't accepting that answer, lol. Not to mention my to do list is almost two pages long right now. ðŸ˜
I woke up a little after 8 a.m. and went straight to my home office to try and knock down my to do list. By 8:39 a.m my Goddaughter was texting me asking what time my daughter would be there. Which flipped my hustle on because if you have kids you know they don't forget anything and they will worry you until you deliver on your promise, lol. I swear the hours moved so fast today. I started off with my Facebook posts, Engagement and a couple follow ups with some clients, then switched to doing website audits and checking on the ads I had running.
By 10 a.m. my son was awake and made his way outside to play, so now my attention was divided between doing my work and keeping a listen for him. Then his sister joined and that was two voices I had to listen for. Which also meant I was interrupted at least 5 times because they just had to show me something right at the moment. While doing my website audits I realized one of the pages from my website was duplicated- displaying all of the wrong information. "Fuuuuuuuuuck!"
Now my anxiety was really in overdrive because now there's no way I could let this page stay up another day. Especially since the page that was screwed up was for the product I planned on running a sale on today and already had an ad running for.
Now its 12 p.m. and my oldest has entered my office "Mom my bag is packed. I'm about to do my chores and we can go." On the inside I'm screaming "Ahhhhhh" or possibly something little more vulgar but we'll stick with "Ahhh." Aside from fixing this website I was also supposed to be out door dashing already. Our schedule that we made has us supposed to be starting our Dasher shift at 11am. We're moving in a couple weeks and still need a couple hundred more for our deposit. But on the outside I said "Okay babe. Why don't you go ahead and take a shower so we can get straight to your hair when we get back." Trying to buy myself some time to at least finish this website. 🤣
I lost count of how many times I thought to myself just let her dad take her. And I know he would've but I couldn't do that to her or him. I promised her I would take her and it was her first "Color Party". You know the party where each person picks a color and then fills their basket up with items of that color for everyone to share. Plus last time she had a birthday party to attend he took her shopping while I stayed back and worked.
I finally finished the webpage around 2 p.m. We hopped in the car and headed to her favorite store- Target. I could've made it an in and out trip so I could get back and work. But I know how much they love their quality time so if I was going to miss work anyway...might as well make it memorable. The first hour we searched for an outfit for her and maybe a couple things mama likes. I mean Valentine's Day is around the corner and I need someone to put a bug in her daddy's ear. 😅 The second hour she dragged me around looking for a birthday present. My girl has eyes and wishes for her people that don't match her bank account (or mama's this month lol.)
Two hours later we were pulling into dollar tree to find the color basket items. Mentally I'm tallying up her costs and groaning inside because Target was already a strain. Double espresso in my coffee because we're going to be door dashing all weekend to get this back plus what we need for the new house. Again "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"
Anyways, we got back to the house a little before 5p.m. I got her in the house ate my first meal of the day, spent a few minutes with my other three and then back to my home office. While she ate and got dressed I jumped back on my to do list. At least five times, I stopped working and checked for a car in the driveway because my middle daughter was being picked up by her dad. And by 5:45p.m. my oldest was calling me to do her hair. I still hadn't finished anything new and had literally just got into the flow of things. But the party started at 6pm so I had no choice but to stop again to go finish her hair. Finished by 6:05 p.m., snapped a couple pics because its her first Color Party of course she couldn't leave without some flicks. At 6:18 p.m. I was texting my sister letting her know she was on the way.
While my husband ran her to the party, I chilled with my youngest two watching The Lion King. And finally at 6:52p.m. I'm back in my home office about to attempt my To Do List again before we go door dashing tonight. I can't count how many times a day I have to tell myself "Okay time to be a mom" and force myself to leave my work.
I wanted to share because so many people ask how I manage 4 kids, 5 businesses, homeschooling and being a wife. Let me tell you- it's not easy. Some days I don't make the deadlines I set for myself. Some days my to-do list rolls over to the next day. And Some days I finish everything I set out to do. As homeschooling parents and Entrepreneurs it's easy to crack under the pressure but I've never liked the easy way. 😅
To my parents juggling kids, business and life- hang on. I promise everyday may not be perfect but everyday isn't hell either. A lot of our days run a lot smoother than today did. But good day or bad day- don't forget to stop and be present. You won't get these days back. If my husband had took my daughter she wouldn't of asked for the personal girl items she did when I took her. I would've missed out on teaching her the gems related to what she needed. But because I stopped and made her a priority we'll both forever hold today's memories. And even though my day is far from over, I don't regret it one bit. But I would've regretted not being there for her. So BE PRESENT and HANG ON!
- Risss
Click Here to check out webpage I was working on.
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